Domestic Battery.

A domestic battery charge means that you are accused of causing bodily harm to a family or household member or that you made physical contact with that person that was of an insulting or provoking nature. If this is a first time domestic violence issue for you, it is generally classified as a Class A misdemeanor and carries up to 364 days in the county jail along with a maximum fine of $2,500 plus court costs.  

If you have a prior conviction for domestic abuse or your particular case is deemed more serious or violent, you may be charged with aggravated domestic battery and face a Class 4 felony. A Class 4 Felony carries up to 3 years in prison along with a maximum fine of $25,000. In all domestic battery cases, the Judge may order that you take part in domestic violence classes for 6 months, undergo a drug and alcohol evaluation and comply with any treatment recommendations. You may also be required to wear a GPS device so that law enforcement can track your daily activities and locations.

Regardless of the degree of the charge, however, the penalties can negatively affect your life for years to come. Whether it is a prison sentence, hefty fines, restraining orders, or having a criminal record, these are consequences to be avoided when at all possible. That is why it is important to consult with a criminal attorney in Madison County such as Robert Bas as soon as possible following your arrest for domestic battery. Mr. Robert Bas has the knowledge of domestic battery cases that you need as you attempt to mount a defense against these charges and obtain the best outcome possible in your case. Mr. Robert Bas is a former prosecutor that handled countless domestic violence cases while representing the State of Illinois. When you hire Robert Bas to defend you in your domestic battery charge, you will have an experienced and aggressive trial attorney on your side to help you get the best possible outcome in your case.

Madison County Defense Lawyer Robert Bas Can Provide the Aggressive Defense You Need

If your alleged domestic battery took place in front of a child and you end up with a conviction, the courts must sentence you to 10 days incarceration and/or 300 hours of community service. In addition, you can be held financially liable for any counseling that the child may require as a result of observing the alleged battery. There are also additional consequences for domestic battery where it is alleged to have involved a firearm of any sort or where it can be argued that the victim was kidnapped or restrained in any way.

The various circumstances that can surround a domestic battery charge are many and involved, and they can impact the severity of sentencing if the prosecution obtains a conviction. Fortunately, when you retain Madison County domestic battery attorney Robert Bas as your criminal defense lawyer, you have someone in your corner who has the expertise necessary to unravel the most difficult of legal situations and provide you with the aggressive, competent defense that you need if you want to have the possibility of obtaining a favorable outcome to your case.

Because of the multiplicity of conditions and circumstances that can impact your case, Madison County domestic violence lawyer Robert Bas will carefully evaluate your case to ensure that he can uphold and defend your rights in and out of the courtroom. He will work tirelessly so that you get the high quality representation that you need, because he is thoroughly committed to the philosophy that every single one of his clients deserves the best legal counsel and representation possible. Mr. Robert Bas prides himself on top notch service to his client. Mr. Robert Bas cares about each and every client and is never happy unless the client walks away with the best possible outcome.


As a Madison County domestic battery attorney, Robert Bas understands that the charges facing you can be overwhelming and difficult to understand. That is why he will be in full communication with you throughout the duration of your case, so that you will always be informed of any developments and their implications. Mr. Robert Bas employs this approach when you face any of the following charges:


·         Battery 720 ILCS 512-3

·         Aggravated battery 720 ILCS 512-3.5

·         Battery of an unborn child; aggravated battery of an unborn child 720 ILCS 512-3.1

·         Domestic battery 720 ILCS 512-3.2

·         Aggravated domestic battery 720 ILCS 512-3.3

·         Violation of an order of protection 720 ILCS 512-3.4

·         Disclosing location of domestic violence victim 720 ILCS 512-3.6


If you have been charged with any of these crimes or any combination of them, Madison County defense lawyer Robert Bas can provide you with the legal counsel and representation that you will need as you attempt to build an adequate defense to combat these charges. Mr. Robert Bas will always provide a free and detailed consultation about you and your case. One size does not fit all when it comes to domestic battery cases. Call today to map out the best possible defense for your particular case.


When You Need an Aggressive and Experienced Madison County Defense Lawyer – Robert Bas

Madison County domestic violence lawyer Robert Bas can provide you with the able defense that you will need in your domestic battery case, in part, because of the experience he had as a prosecuting attorney before he opened his criminal defense law practice. As a prosecuting attorney, he learned to look at the laws surrounding domestic battery from one angle. Now as a defense lawyer in Madison County, he understands those same laws from the other side.


This dual exposure and understanding of all of the laws, regulations, and statutes that apply to your domestic battery case mean that he is in a privileged position of being able to anticipate how the prosecution will structure their arguments. Having the insider knowledge enables Mr. Robert Bas to craft a stronger defense on your behalf.

As you are well aware, a domestic battery charge can have adverse effects for the rest of your life. The courts take domestic violence very seriously and will not hesitate to make an example out of you and your case. You need the strong and powerful defense that can be provided to you by criminal attorney Robert Bas. In Madison County, you will not find a defense lawyer more committed to providing you with the excellent, personalized, and compassionate legal representation that you need than Robert Bas.

If you have been arrested for domestic battery in Madison County, no matter how straightforward or complex the charge, Robert Bas is a criminal defense lawyer known for tough, aggressive defense. A former felony prosecutor, Attorney Robert Bas has extensive experience in handling all types of criminal cases, from sex offenses and violent crimes to theft-related crimes and traffic violations. If you would like to reach Mr. Robert Bas quickly and directly, please call his phone 24/7 at 618-656-6287. The consultation is free.

Domestic Violence.

Arrested for Madison County Domestic Violence? Take It Seriously

Domestic violence is a broad term that encompasses many different forms of abuse, and being charged with domestic violence can result in serious legal consequences and a lifelong stigma, even if no physical violence ever actually took place. Individuals convicted in a domestic violence case can not only face jail time and fines, but also lose the ability to find gainful employment, own a handgun or rent an apartment.

In the state of Illinois, you can be arrested on a domestic violence charge for actions including hitting, pushing, verbally threatening, harassing, or interfering with the personal freedom of a family or household member. You can also face the imposition of an order of protection or restraining order. In Illinois, simply violating any of the conditions of an order of protection can result in criminal charges and having to wear a GPS device for a prolonged period of time. Those convicted of domestic battery must undergo 26 weeks of domestic violence classes and the mark on your record is permanent. Even if no one was physically harmed and you think the incident was a big misunderstanding, you need to take domestic violence charges very seriously and contact a Madison County domestic violence attorney with experience and a track record of success.

Robert Bas Helps You Navigate Domestic Violence Allegations

In order to understand why you may be facing domestic violence charges in Madison County, it’s imperative to look at the way the state of Illinois defines domestic violence. While most people think of domestic violence as something that occurs between partners in an intimate relationship, the term can actually apply to anyone intending to intimidate or cause physical harm to:

·         A family member related by blood, such as a parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle, cousin, or sibling

·         A roommate, or anyone else who shares or used to share a home, apartment, or other dwelling

·         Someone they have or allegedly have a child with (whether or not they are currently partners)

·         A spouse or ex-spouse

·         A child or step-child

·         A live-in or non-live-in girlfriend or boyfriend

Another common misconception about domestic violence is that it only involves men committing violence against women. While this is what allegedly happens in the vast majority of domestic violence cases, women can also commit acts of violence or intimidation against men, and someone in a same-sex relationship can commit acts of violence or intimidation against their partner. Police and prosecutors take all allegations of domestic violence seriously regardless of whether the alleged offender is a man or woman.

This is important to recognize, because in some cases, an arresting officer might misinterpret the situation (for example, a woman might accuse her boyfriend of domestic violence when she is the one who has been shoving, yelling, and generally harassing her partner). If you are arrested for any kind of domestic violence-whether the charges are founded or not-your first move should be to call an experienced defense lawyer like Robert Bas. Attorney Robert Bas can help you understand the nature of the charge and prepare a rigorous defense for your day in court. An arrest for a domestic violence crime does not have to mean jail time, heavy fines, and the destruction of your career. Call Mr. Robert Bas today so that he may walk you through a plan to obtain the best possible outcome in your case.

If you are accused of causing or intending to cause physical harm to any family or household member, you will most likely be charged with domestic battery (720 ILCS 5/12-3.2). The state of Illinois takes domestic battery very seriously, and even if you have no prior criminal offenses, penalties can include jail time and a large fine if you’re convicted. A misdemeanor domestic battery carries up to 364 days in jail and a fine up to $2,500 plus court costs. If you have a previous domestic battery conviction or the facts of your particular case are more serious, the consequences can be even more dire, and a conviction can mean spending up to three years in a state prison with a fine up to $25,000 plus court costs.

Regardless of whether you are convicted of a misdemeanor or felony, there are some consequences that will follow you for the rest of your life. A domestic violence or domestic battery conviction will remain a matter of public record, potentially affecting your ability to get housing, obtain a loan, enter into an educational program, or get a job.

To give yourself the best chance of avoiding these negative consequences, you’ll need to contact an experienced Madison County domestic violence attorney as soon as possible. Robert Bas can help you avoid the negative fallout from a domestic violence charge by providing you with an aggressive and diligent defense. Mr. Robert Bas spent the first 8 years of his career as a prosecutor. One of his stops along the way was running a domestic violence courtroom. Mr. Robert Bas uses his knowledge gained while working as a domestic violence prosecutor to help defend you in court. He understands every angle and every perspective when defending a domestic violence case in Madison County.

Robert Bas: Defending You against Any Domestic Violence Charge

Don’t make the mistake of thinking that just because you know you didn’t actually commit any acts of domestic violence, the Illinois justice system will recognize that. You also shouldn’t make the mistake of thinking that just because you’re facing a misdemeanor charge for a “minor disagreement” in which the police got involved; you’ll be able to avoid any long-term consequences. Robert Bas has experience handling all kinds of domestic violence cases, ranging from misdemeanors to aggravated domestic battery (720 ILCS 5/12-3.3), and he knows what approaches to take to present the strongest possible argument in your favor.

In some cases, Mr. Robert Bas is able to get the charges dropped altogether. In others, he can get the charge reduced, or he will fight for an alternative sentence like probation in order to keep you from serving time in prison. Other times, the best option is to fight the case at trial before the Judge or a Jury. Mr. Robert Bas has been winning difficult cases at trial since beginning his career in 1996. He is uniquely qualified to provide your defense because he used to serve as a prosecutor in domestic violence cases and knows what kinds of arguments the prosecution will use in your case. This allows him to prepare convincing counter-arguments and present a rigorous defense that works in your favor. You can rest assured that you’re in good hands when you retain Madison County defense attorney Robert Bas.

If you would like to reach Mr. Robert Bas quickly and directly, please call  618-656-6287. The consultation is free.